Cycling 'Down-Under': Australia is January's Member of the Month

16 Jan, 2014
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This month we travel outside Europe, all the way to Australia, for our Member of the Month. That’s a 24 hour flight from Brussels, complete with some time travel (you'll lose a day). So grab your sunscreen and let’s go cycling down under!

What you need to know about cycling in Australia

Australia – the land of kangaroos, vegemite, and dangerous spiders – is also a cycling nation. Australian government’s on all levels (they have both states and territories) reportedly invested $97.5 million in cycling related infrastructure and policies in 2012. Like much of Europe, bicycles have been outselling cars in Australia (for the 13th year running!) and $1.1bn is generated from the bicycle industry annually. Comprehensive research shows that 50% of all trips in Australia are less than 5km, and the government’s response has been to promote cycling through campaigns like Cycle Instead and Find Thirty Every Day. By promoting cycling as both a means of transportation and for recreational use, Australia has a rounded and integrated approach to its’ cycling future.

Read the Australian Bicycle Council's National Cycling Strategy 2011-16 Implementation Report 2012 for more facts and figures.

Bike SA – ECF’s Member in Australia

ECF may be European by name, but we don’t limit ourselves to our geographical borders. Bike SA (SA is for South Australia) is an independent, non-government, not-for-profit association supporting all recreational cyclists and members. With a mission to see 'more people cycling more often, in safer, healthier communities', Bike SA goes above and beyond in South Australia’s cycling community. Based in Adelaide, one of the most liveable cities in the world, Bike SA offers an astounding range of services to its members and the community at large.


From workplace programs to increase cyclist’s commuting skills and road safety workshops, to teaching bicycle riding and maintenance courses, Bike SA has a lot on its plate. In fact, Bike SA organizes over 1,500 free rides through their Rides Programme. Festivals, such as the upcoming Boileau VeloAdelaide, and organized tours offer a full spectrum of cycling events. It is clear that Bike SA is an organization that offers resources and events for all, from the lycra clad to the family commuter. Doesn’t matter the size of your calf muscles, there is something in Bike SA’s repertoire of events and offerings for you. Bike SA members benefit from free access to events, resources and training, as well as comprehensive personal accident insurance and public liability insurance.

Now remember that long plane ride we talked about to get to Adelaide? Well you do not even have to pack up your favourite ride to enjoy Adelaide by bike! Bike SA, along with the multitude of other things they do, also runs the Adelaide City Bike Share Scheme. And guess what! It is free! Since 2005, the city of Adelaide and Bike SA have been perfecting this scheme to promote cycling and encourage a greener, cleaner city. You don’t want a city bike? You can also hire a mountain bike and enjoy some of the off-road biking after attending… Velo-city Global 2014!

Photo: Photo:

Not sure where to go biking in Adelaide? Bike SA will be providing tour services before, after, and during the Velo-city conference. 

Velo-city Global 2014: Adelaide Celebrates Cycling

You may have hear that Adelaide is also hosting Velo-city Global 2014 in May 27-30. What is Velo-city Global? Only the world’s premiere cycle planning conference! With speakers ranging from Janette Sadik-Khan, New York City’s former Transportation Commissioner who revolutionized the streets of the Big Apple, to Mikael Colville-Andersen, CEO of Copenhagenize, this year’s conference is set to be a truly epic event. It is a moment for cycling enthusiasts and experts to share best practices and continue pedaling towards creating cycling-friendly cities. Some of the hottest topics in cycling policy and research today will be discussed - such as infrastructure, E-bikes, cycle highways, parking etc. - and much more! Spread out over four days, Velo-city Adelaide also incorporates Velo-fringe, an open access cycling festival, as well as organized rides. ECF's networks Scientists for Cycling, Cities for Cycling, and B-Track-B will also be present. Did we mention there are beaches, sunshine, and a wonderful city to explore? There really is something for everyone.

Welcome to the Adelaide International Airport: Early Bird Registration & Discount Tickets

Now you are convinced that Australia is your next destination, or maybe you’re reading this from Australia and you’re feeling smug about how awesome a place it is. For the former, now is the time to book that ticket, buy that conference pass and start dreaming about biking with the kangaroos. Beautiful scenery, beaches, rare wildlife, and  a fantastic and growing cycling experience awaits you.

ACC-Velo-City-2014-Logo-220pxLearn more about Velo-city Global 2014 by visiting!

Early bird registration closes February 17, 2014, with discounts for international and student participants. Click here to register for Velo-city Global 2014!

If you are an ECF Member organization, you can also take advantage of ECF's Member discount (50% off on the international delegate price)! Contact Zita Gácsér ( before February 10th for more information.

Don't forget that travelling to Australia requires a visa - so give yourself 10 weeks to get one of those. And when you touch ground at the Adelaide International Airport, say hello to the cute beagles they use as detector dogs!





About the Author


Zoé Kruchten is a Communications Assistant at the European Cyclists’ Federation. She has a BA in International Relations and has worked in the past as a bike mechanic. When she was 12 she visited Australia with her family, and got in trouble for petting a beagle at the airport.

Contact the author

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