Cycling and walking at the forefront of WHO’s Draft Global Action Plan for promotion of Physical Activity

07 Aug, 2017
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UPDATE 22/09/17: ECF was pleased to be given the opportunity to comment on the WHO Draft Global Action Plan on Physical Activity (GAPPA). The ECF submission can be found HERE. We are committed and willing to assist in its ongoing development, particularly related to advocacy, promotion and implementation.  

New approach to promoting physical activity moves cycling and walking to head of the pack. WHO has just published a consultation version of its new Global Action Plan for the promotion of Physical Activity (#GAPPA).

“GAPPA puts the full power of cycling and walking for transport into the headlines – or into top gear you might say” said Dr Randy Rzewnicki, the ECF Health Policy Officer who supported the process. “We are very happy that WHO sees the contribution that cycling and walking make to preventing NCDs (non-communicable diseases), and the tremendous potential that can be tapped in to. The ECF’s recent experiences with the development of the EUCS were valuable input supporting the goals and the process WHO proposed,” said Rzewnicki referring to the EU Cycling Strategy presented to Violetta Bulc of DG MOVE at the European Commission.

“Annually there are 15 million preventable deaths related to insufficient levels or total lack of physical activity.” said Rzewnicki. 15% are in “first” world. The GAPPA deals with the global need, and cycling is being showcased at the time when it can make a real difference. 

The draft Global Action Plan is a cross-reference of previous UN process documents, and it builds on existing strategies and priority agendas, for which ECF has played an instrumental role.

1. UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): ECF and its World Cycling Alliance (WCA) published the report ‘Cycling Delivers on the Global Goals’ on how cycling can contribute in the fulfilment of several SDGs, of which the ones relevant to physical activity and NCDs are:

  • Improving health and well-being through the reduction of NCDs and reducing traffic accidents and improve air quality  (SDG3.4, 3.6 and 3.9)
  • safe, sustainable cities and communities though sustainable transport and urbanization and universal access to green spaces (SDG 11.2. 11.3, 11.6, 11.7)
  • mitigation of climate change through reduction of fossil fuel use and other mitigation measures (SDG13.1, 13.2)


2. The New Urban Agenda, a framework document agreed upon by UN Member States as guidelines for sustainable urban development policies for the next 20 years. In order to have cycling well represented in the document, ECF/WCA has been playing an active role in the preparatory committee meetings of the conference and in the negotiations of the document with UN member states and other stakeholders in the process.

3. Climate Action under COP21- ECF/WCA are a part of the Paris Process on Mobility and Climate (PPMC); an initiative bringing together over 150 organisations working on sustainable mobility to support effective action on transport and climate change

4. ECF’s work on health and environment in collaboration with WHO, particularly on the Health Economic Assessment Tool (HEAT), is valuable for supporting the goals and processes proposed by WHO in this action plan (more info here)


The Structure of the plan

The action plan takes a comprehensive multi-sectoral approach, to combine (among others) sectors of health, urban planning, transport, sports, and education, in an attempt to reinforce the cross-cutting elements and interconnections of proposed actions. The benefits of this approach amalgamate into safer opportunities for participation in physical activity by all people of all ages and abilities, appropriate for all local contexts.

“This new global action plan (GAPPA) 2018 – is the how and what, and the New PA Toolkit 2018 will be the “how to do it” said Dr Fiona Bull the Coordinator of NCD prevention at WHO HQ who lead the experts. “We take a population based approach. Look at levers for public policy, for cycling, walking…. We are the lead agency for providing global norms and standards. We are building capacity in and out of the health sector.”

Four underlining strategic objectives, encompass s set of clear actions and indicators, provided for member states, and partners of all levels, in terms of more specific guidance for accelerating the development and implementation of physical activity action plans. Active mobility in terms of walking and cycling are at the forefront for all four objectives!

  1. Creating an active society
  2. Creating active environments
  3. Creating active lives
  4. Creating active systems


The WHO discussion paper (version dated 1 August 2017) includes the ‘zero draft’ of the global action plan on physical activity 2018-2030. The paper was open for public consultation until 22 September 2017. ECF and WCA responded on behalf of our networks, but we hope other stakeholders will take the opportunity to add their comments to the consultation as we are very positive about the general direction of this action plan. The draft action plan is due for consideration by the World Health Assembly in May 2018, through the 142nd Executive Board session in January 2018.

Click here for the details on the development of GAPPA and the slides from a recent webinar in August 2017.




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