Cycling advocacy grows stronger as new members join ECF's Cycling Industry Club

15 Sep, 2014
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CIC Chairman & CEO of Cycleurope, Tony Grimaldi, PON Director Future Technology & Public Affairs and James Smith from PRIMAL EUROPE CIC Chairman & CEO of Cycleurope, Tony Grimaldi, PON Director Future Technology & Public Affairs and James Smith from PRIMAL EUROPE

CIC has been on a constant growing curb over the last few years. This trend is gaining new impetus after ECF’s recent work on Green Jobs and cycling-friendly Fiscal Incentives which garnered enthusiastic responses during the latest ECF Advocacy Summit.

New CIC members

Primal Europe, leading designer and manufacturer of cycling apparel, was one of this year’s dynamic newcomers supporting stronger collaboration between advocacy and industry. For James Smith from Primal, now is the perfect time to step up: “The European Cycling industry is on the cusp of a game changing period of growth. We as an industry are growing exponentially and governments are waking up to the idea of the strength of the cycling industry across Europe. Here at Primal we want to be part of that growth, as the industry grows so do we, this commitment to the ECF is part of our international advocacy strategy.”

For Apollo Vredestein, designer, manufacturer and seller of high-quality tyres, CIC adds professional leverage which can lead to better business. “We are very passionate. We want to support safety, fun and style of cycling and we simply have to add professionalism in order to succeed. Advocacy will leverage this attempt”, says Michael Marx, Head of Two Wheel Tyre Division.

Revealing the CIC potential

"Undoubtedly, there is a momentum which reflects the hard work CIC has been doing on getting the main message through to the cycling industry: Advocacy is good for business! We welcome the new members into the CIC family and we are certain that more will follow", said Kevin Mayne, ECF Director of Development. 

All signs indicate that cycling industry understands more and more the incredible potential of unlocking billions of euros through public investment. This is the work that ECF knows does every day through its members, its networks and its policy experts. By supporting ECF, companies do their share in getting more cyclists on the streets; and, subsequently, increasing their client base. A definite win-win scheme which is now starting to unlock its true potential. 

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