CycleLogistics competition winner receives grand prize

27 Oct, 2014
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ECF congratulates competition winner (from L to R) ECF CycleLogistics project manager Randy Rzewnicki congratulates GRACQ member Eloise Dhuy on winning the Andersen shopping trailer which was sponsored by Yves Van Straelen’s Maison du Velo in Schaarbeek (Brussels), Belgium.

You might remember that we held a competition during the summer where we asked our readership to complete a survey about the CycleLogistics Consumer Reports, which would then enter the respondents in a prize draw. The reports in question looked at a variety of bike accessories that relate to cycle logistics: trailers, carrier bags, panniers, cargo bikes, etc. Consumer test professionals reviewed a selection of each category and they are publicly available and here to help you decide which option is the best for you! You can find the consumer test reports by following this link.

But back to our prize draw: participation was very high, with over 400 participants from across Europe. Five lucky winners were picked from a hat and won themselves a shopping trailer. And last week, ECF Project Manager Randy Rzewnicki handed over the grand prize to Eloise Dhuy, of Brussels, who belongs to Gracq, a Belgian ECF member organization. She received her Andersen shopper trailer from our sponsors, La Maison du Vélo. Yves Van Straelen, owner operator even attached the brand new trailer to her bike and,  in no time, she was ready to do her groceries. Doing the shopping (and other activities that involve the transport of goods) with your bike makes a lot of sense.  Do like Eloise, get yourself a trailer and you’ll never look back!


ECF continues to focus on moving goods by cycle with PRO-E-BIKE, promoting business use of pedelecs. Follow this work on Twitter at @IEE_PROEBIKE  &  @CycleLogistics.

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