Cycle Tourism Conference Seeks to Spread Knowledge

19 Jul, 2012
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This September,  Nantes will host the first ever international EuroVelo - Greenways conference on cycling tourism. Conference organisers are hoping that it will spread knowledge on how to develop infrastructure for bicycle tourism, which is worth billions to the EU economy. 

Drawing experts from the European institutions and the field of cycle tourism, key topics will include how to access EU funding for cycle tourism and how best to promote cycle routes. 

"Cycle Tourism is a huge growth market in Europe. It's estimated that the EuroVelo network alone is worth over 5 billion to the EU economy, once completed" says EuroVelo manager Adam Bodor, whose network seeks to create 70,000 kilometres of bicycle route connecting Europe. 

The event will feature presentations from experts in the fields of cycling tourism as well as speakers from the European Commission. Some key names to look forward to are Gilbert Perrin, President of the European Greenways Association, and Bernhard Ensink, Secretary General of the European Cyclists’ Federation. There will also be  a whole range of hosts from Norway, Spain and England to Germany to name but a few. 

For those who like to get a bit more hands-on, the conference is also offering interactive workshops on relevant topics like web promotion and the use of social media and apps, marketing, niche markets and project monitoring. 

"This conference will be a great occasion for people to learn. There will be top experts sharing experiences and you can hear directly from the professionals about what works and learn how to attract more cycle tourists and develop cycle routes," adds Bodor. 

The conference will take place on September 26 in Nantes, France. 

Interested in attending? The Conference is a one-day event, taking place on September 26 in Nantes, France.  You can find more information on the conference and how to register here. 

About the Author:

Ed Lancaster, Policy Officer-Regional Policy & Cycling Tourism -For the past 7 years, Ed has worked as a Town Planner for various local authorities in South East England and he has a Master’s degree in Town Planning from the University of Westminster. In his last role he was responsible for transport policies and strategy, as well as managing numerous cycling-related projects (e.g. providing new cycle infrastructure and running promotional activities).


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