CONSULTATION - Cycling for Growth Initiative : setting the scene on EU funds for cycling businesses!

05 Oct, 2015
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Call for participation to a survey launched by the Cycling for Growth Initiative on EU funds for cycling businesses.

The objective of this consultation is to make a preliminary assessment of the EU funds received by cycling businesses so far and go further to extend the influence of the industry at the EU level. Therefore, if you are a company/organization/brand from the cycling sector (ex. Bicycle retailers, manufacturers, wholesalers, infrastructures, services), the Cycling for Growth Initiative would be pleased to receive your help in completing a very short questionnaire.

  • Find the questionnaire here.


Deadline for completing the survey: 01/11/2015. Please note that your input is crucial to evaluate the current EU funds’ situation for cycling and set the scene for the Cycling for Growth Initiative. We thank you for your valuable assistance. Rest assured that all this information will be kept strictly confidential. All results will be presented at the aggregate level only and no answers will be linked to your company, organisation or brand’s name.


The Cycling for Growth Initiative (ECF’s Cycling Industry Club and CONEBI’s project) aims to bring the companies’ experience and resources to the European level in order to create the conditions to unlock billions further in European public expenditure on cycling and e-cycling. More information here.


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