Cities for Cyclists meeting in Taipei

18 Mar, 2016
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Velo-city Taipei 2016 hosted the Cities for Cyclists network for its annual general meeting. The cycling cities ambassadors gathered to discuss the emerging issues they are facing in different contexts and through different cultures all around the world, looking for smart solutions.

The Cities for Cyclists delegation counted a large delegation from the host city Taipei, including Vice-Mayor Charles Lin, Commissioner Anne Chung, Commissioner Lee Lin, a strong European delegation including Vice-Mayor Harriet Tiemens from next year’s Velo-city host cities Arnhem-Nijmegen (Groningen, Basel, Gelderland, Copenhagen) and an enthusiast Japanese delegation including Mayor Mikio Takahashi and bicycle manager of Bibai city and Mayor Yuko Hiratani from Onomichi city. ECF Secretary General Bernhard Ensink and Cities for Cyclists network manager Benedicte Swennen also joined the participants.

The Cities for Cyclists had the pleasure of discovering Taipei city by Youbike (Taipei’s bike share system) before the start of the Velo-city conference and get an insight in Taipei’s recent developments and future plans for cycling. Even though it rained, everybody enjoyed stretching their legs during the cycle tour with a mix of cultural and infrastructural information.

During lunch break in the old Taiwanese neighbourhood, participants listened to presentations on the history and mobility of Taipei. After lunch, ECF hosted a workshop to stimulate exchange between the participants during which a wide range of topics was discussed by the different groups: best practices for behaviour change was a very popular topic, cycling and the local economy, restriction of mopeds, and so on! It was an excellent day, thanks to the exceptional hospitality of the Taipei city government and the Formosa Lohas Cycling Association, with a fruitful exchange workshop. 

Click here for more pictures of the Cities for Cyclists day in Taipei.  


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