Call for Contributions: Velo-city 2013

05 Oct, 2012
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The Velo-city Program Committee is seeking your contribution, which should be relevant to at least one of the conference themes (cycling cultures, cycling cities and cycling benefits) and help participants to move towards cycling-friendly cities and regions and to create thriving cycling cultures.

Conference Formats

Velo-city is known as a communicative conference, hence the types of sessions were considered carefully. The number of sessions for lectures/presentations is limited in order to endeavour interactive discussions and networking. Contributions for interactive types of sessions are therefore most welcome. The conference will offer roundtables, workshops, case presentations, podium discussions, lectures and a speed dating.

The DEADLINE for submission is Monday, 22 October 2012.

For any further details, contact

Andrea Weninger, Velo-city Program Director

Guidelines and instructions, description of formats and conference themes

Please read the guidelines and instructions carefully.

Call for Contributions Guideline

Submit your contribution here by October 22 2012

(Compatible browsers include Internet Explorer version 4 onwards, Netscape version 4.7 onwards or equivalent)

 For more information visit the Velo-city 2013 website. 


About the Author

Founded in 1983, the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) is the umbrella federation of the national cyclists’ associations in Europe, reinforced by similar organisations from other parts of the world. ECF seeks to change attitudes, policies and budget allocations at the European level. ECF stimulates and organises the exchange of information and expertise on bicycle related transport policies and strategies as well as the work of the cyclists’ movement.

Contact the author

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Postal address: Rue de la Charité, 22 
1210 Brussels, Belgium

Phone: +32 2 329 03 80