Businesses and Cities save money with CycleLogistics and E-bikes

27 May, 2015
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Replacing motor vehicles with bikes and cargo bikes saves money, time, space, and has many other benefits. It's tested, and going mainstream across Europe. Experts present a workshop "Pro-E-Bike & CycleLogistics: Moving goods by cycle" for businesses, decision-makers, and fleet managers, on Tuesday June 2, 2015 at La Cite.

Cargo Bicycle

How much have businesses reduced costs  already? DHL saves more than 425,000€ annually on its fleet of cargobikes  (13,000€ per bike each year).

How many euros can your business or organization save? The Pro E-Bike SIM Tool lets you calculate how the amount of savings you will have by replacing cars, vans, scooters with ebikes in your fleet.

How easy is it to replace cars and vans with bikes and E-bikes? These savings come by changing the vehicles, but also by changing the way staff travel. Businesses and cities in Spain, Italy, Portugal, Croatia, Austria, AND yes, here in France, are replacing motor vehicles with bikes.

This workshop aims to demonstrate to business people, decision makers and fleet managers the value of choosing (e-)bikes for their delivery fleet. The key items in the workshop include the following:

  • How much money (E-) bikes save towns, cities & businesses 2012-2014
  • Pro-E-Bike Simulation Tool: simple excel cost calculator shows savings for your fleet
  • Analyses of dozens of businesses & cities that used e-bikes for delivery in EU countries
  • 9 new Business cases: value added by Moving Goods by Cycle
  • FAQ: What fleet managers and SMEs want to know after 6-12 months of deliveries by E-bike
  • E-bike fleet expansion in national Post companies (PT & HR…)

The workshop is led by experts in the field, from Austrian Mobility Research (FGM-AMOR) and  the European Cyclists' Federation (ECF), which have worked together on CycleLogistics, cycle delivery by (E-) bike & (E-) cargo bike for several years. The workshop is organised as part of the EU co-funded  projects PRO-E-BIKE and CycleLogistics.

Join us at the workshop and learn more about the benefits that using bikes for your delivery fleets can bring to your business! Participation is free but registration necessary.

You can register for the workshop HERE.

WHEN: Tuesday 2 June 2015 from 13h30 to 18:30

WHERE : Nantes,  France - La Cité Event Center ROOM « GH »

MORE INFORMATION: Elina Baltatzi (



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