"Bicistaffetta", the annual Fiab bike ride, marks the inauguration of signing on EuroVelo 5

18 Jul, 2014
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BS2014logoBetween the 9th and 13th September, a bike ride will celebrate the newly-inaugurated signing along Eurovelo 5 in a very attractive stretch of the recently revised Via Romea Francigena. Registration has just opened to both to national and international participants.

It is a very picturesque route, starting from the Samnite town of Benevento, that follows the course of the ancient Via Latina and the Volturno River, the largest in South Italy. In Venafro we will enter one of the bloodiest theatres of war of World War II – of which we mark the 70th anniversary this year - which at its epilogue saw the destruction of Cassino and its famous abbey. It then continues to the heart of the Apennines through one of the route’s most beautiful passages: the charming region of Val Comino, age-old places of spirituality; and the abbey of Casamari. Finally, the panoramic Prenestina will lead us to Rome, but not before enjoying a relaxing bath in the famous spas of Fiuggi.

The prologue in Naples also allow you to learn about the urban cycle section of Eurovelo 5 and a workshop will focus on the state of the art of the cycle route between Florence - Rome - Naples.


With the recently launched the new portal Bicitalia, the goal is to complete and activate an Italian national cycle network in the shortest possible time.

Registration for the “bicistaffetta” is open now on: www.bicistaffetta.it


About the author

The Italian Federation of Friends of the Bicycle is a non-profit organization. It’s recognized by the Ministry for Environment as a national association for the protection of the environment and by the Ministry for Infrastructure as an expert association in road safety. Fiab has a central office in Milan and a general secretary in Mestre (Venice). It has at the moment 83 local federated associations and 7 regional co-ordination units. All members receive a newsletter four times per year.

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