Belgium’s tax department plans whole week of MOVING!

04 Sep, 2014
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From September 29th to October 5th, NowWeMove's flagship event, MOVE Week, will give a boost to physical activity all across Europe. The campaign is an EU co-funded initiative organised by the International Sports and Culture Association (ISCA) in collaboration with ECF.

This year, ECF has also been coordinating MOVE Week in Belgium, and we are excited to present the great activities planned by our leading partner. 

SPF Finances/ FOD Financiën, has joined MOVE Week with great enthusiasm to make a whole week of activity with 4 events for its offices in 10 different cities across Belgium. The federal tax office is one of Belgium’s biggest government departments with over 22,000 employees.

So what kind of events have they got planned? 

“Let’s get cycling” - On different days during MOVE Week, employees who cycle to work will be offered a free healthy breakfast. There will be famous Belgian cyclists at several of these breakfasts as an added incentive! The Brussels event on Monday 29th September will officially launch the week and will be attended by ISCA President Mogens Kirkeby.

“Go for 250,000 steps” - To encourage active mobility from points A to B, there will be a week-long competition where teams of five equip with pedometers will try to reach the goal of taking 250,000 steps – prizes for the winning team!

“The staircase, a lift for your health” - To dissuade employees from using the elevator, SPF Finances/ FOD Financiën will launch an original poster campaign in all 10 offices to encourage people to take the stairs.

“Follow the guide” - Employees will be offered guided lunchtime walks of 3 to 5 km through the prettiest parts of their cities. A great way to get the brain and body working again! 

This is a great example for government departments, businesses and organisations across Europe to encourage both physical activity and active mobility. You can search for events in your country on the MOVE Week website, or read more about what others are doing on the MOVE Week blog.  

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