B-TRACK-B rises again with a new set of cycling campaigns in Venice and Münster

21 Mar, 2014
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The second phase of B-Track-B is about to begin with more cities, more original ideas and, of course, more cycling! 

BiciLiberaTutti, the cycling campaign that gathered more than 1000 participants during 2013, starts again in Venice (Italy)

The concept is rather uncomplicated: using a km counter (provided free of charge by the Municipality of Venice) or an app installed on their smartphone, participants will count the distance they ride. The more kilometres they cycle the more chances they have to earn interesting gadgets and accessories selected specifically to make their bikes safer and better-looking.

The participants and their families will receive necessary gadgets and all technical information from the Mobility Unit of the Municipality of Venice. Moreover, participants will be able to take part in the workshop “Boost my Bike” to learn how to assemble and disassemble bikes, understand how they work,  how to boost them and add gadgets to bikes as well as how to ride safely.

Last year in Venice 82 families took part in the game; one of the best turnovers in all Europe. For this year the target is to involve over 1000 participants, from 9 to 15 year old who use their bikes in their free time.

 Registration info

When: Sunday, 6th April 2014

Where: Palaplip, via San Donà , Mestre (Venice)

How: Via website until 6th April (www.comune.venezia.it/biciliberatutti) or personally during the workshop at the Palaplip.

 Contact: Official website page of the Venice Municipality: www.comune.venezia.it/biciliberatutti

Münster fährt Rad – Cycling is pure fun in Münster (Germany)

On 1st April the Bike the Track – Track the Bike cycling campaign will be re-launched in Münster. Until then, the City of Münster is busy contacting participants from last year, finding new participating families and advertising the whole project in schools, sports clubs and media.

The cycling campaign comprises of many parts:

-A cycling competition for all registered participants: From 1st April until 10th September 2014  all trips and driven kilometers are counted. Winners get free meals and cinema tickets. 

-A competition between school classes: From 1st April to 1st July 2014 students and their parents are encouraged to cycle as much as possible. In the end, the student group which cycled the most will receive the title “Leezenklasse 2014” and of course a proper prize for the entire class. 

-The competitions will be accompanied by side-activities, like guided cycling tours, sewing courses for cycling gear, repair workshops, cycling courses for migrants, cycling information days, light check, visit to a company producing bicycles etc.

-The final action takes place on 13th September 2014. The entire center of  Münstern will be evolving around cycling in a grant celebration! 

Is your city/school/ local club also interested to join BtrackB? Send an e-mail to h.hendriks@ecf.com or check the website btrackb.eu!

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