B-Track-B: The best marketing tool for stimulating cycling cities!

17 Jun, 2014
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The B-Track-B campaign is continuing to gain momentum with a number of inspiring projects taking place across Europe. B-Track-B uses tracking technology to incentivize citizens to get on their bikes. Personal `Bike Trackers’ enable cyclists to see just how many trips they’re clocking up and to compare results with their peers.

The competition element of B-Track-B is what makes it really successful. Many studies show that appealing to cost or health to get people into physical activity seldom works.  What really motivates people to get active is the chance to get out and have fun. By engaging peoples’ competitive side, B-Track-B is very successful at getting those into cycling who otherwise wouldn't be interested.

Real success from real cities

Ljubliana recently held a 25km cycling marathon that saw many families getting involved in the project. The marathon was part of Ljubliana’s larger campaign of 'One can get far on bicycle’; so far a big success in the Slovenian city. Participants used their Bike Trackers, in the form of smartphone applications, to dock in at several virtual control points along the way. Those who did the best had the chance to win e-token prizes. 

Münster in Germany has also had huge success in engaging people; so far the ‘Bike the track - Münster ride a bike’ project has attracted 1200 participants. In the month of April alone, 7702 bike rides were recorded with a total of 30,121km cycled. The competition has attracted 136 schools who are fiercely competing to win the most points. The two winners from April, recorded an impressive total of 180 bike rides between them and were awarded with B-Track-B prizes.

The happy relationship between cycling and technology is proving to be very effective in promoting cycling. With more projects like these, B-Track-B will succeed in bringing cycling to a whole new audience. It is a key component in spreading the message that cycling is something anyone can be part of.

Are you in a city or organisation that wishes to promote cycling through simple and smart technology? Send an e-mail to Henk Hendriks (Project Manager for B-Track-B, h.hendriks@ecf.com) and get started!

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