Autumn workshop in Copenhagen: From research to successful policy

27 Oct, 2014
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mecoLast week's two-day workshop “Local policies, science and advocacy for cycling" was a true success story! Cycling advocates, city officials and researchers came together in Copenhagen to strengthen collaboration on cycling. The role of scientific data was discussed thoroughly as a means of making the case for more cycling investment and infrastructure. 

The aim of injecting science into policies on the local, regional and international level was achieved in two ways:

Firstly, by looking at best practices from researchers and advocates from 7 European cities. Representatives from Nijmegen (NL), Groningen (NL), Gothenburg (SE), Mannheim (DE), Copenhagen (DK), Gdansk (PO) and Warsaw (PO) described their experiences on how science has helped them to become more influential and achieve good policy results.

Secondly, through interactive focus groups on how to become influential in three different contexts: the International Transport Forum, the Transport Research Arena and the Velo-city conference.

The event was organised by the European Cyclists’ Federation in collaboration with ECF member Danish Cyclists’ Federation, with the support of ManagEnergy. All the presentations will be available for download shortly at

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