"16% Cycling Modal Share," Demands German Transport Minister: ECF Newswatch

05 Jun, 2012
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A Female Cyclist in Cologne, Germany

Germany's Federal Transport Minister wants to see bicycles make up 16% of all traffic in urban areas.

Germany has being doing some pretty amazing things for cycling recently, and it has some stella bicycle towns like Bremen where a third of all trips are done by bike. Cities like Melbourne even looked up to Berlin last week for some advice. 

ECF talking to Ramsauer at the ITF

According to the Germany's national cyclists' association (ADFC), Germany's bracing itself for a new National Cycling Plan. Apparently Peter Ramsauer, the  Federal Minister of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs has called for an increase in cycling numbers.  He wants to see 16% of  traffic in urban areas  to consist of bicycles by 2020, which currently sits at 11%. In rural areas he wants to see that number jump to 13% (up from 8%). 

We had a chance to speak to Ramsauerat the International Transport Forum (ITF) last month. Looks like he may have listened.

Good luck to Germany. If they keep up the hard work, the Netherlands may soon become jealous. 


 About the Author

Julian Ferguson is the Communications Officer for the European Cyclists’ Federation. Originally hailing from Australia and a keen bicycle advocate, he plans one day to ride his bicycle from Brussels to Melbourne



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