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Bicycles in Leipzig, Germany  A German Study has found that “29 percent of Germans are planning to buy a new bicycle in the next twelve months”.  We’re not ta...

07 Dec, 2011

Photo Credit: The Slow Bicycle Movement A new report from UK’s Department of Transport proves that traffic calming works. Looking at infrastructure and how it...

30 Nov, 2011

Velo-city 2012 are now accepting conference registrations. Check out this section here for rates, to register online and make payment. If you want save money r...

30 Nov, 2011

A new book due out next year, 'Roads Were Not Built For Cars', has  quite a few heads turning. For those of us growing up in a car-centric world it may sound l...

30 Nov, 2011

When you talk about cycling in Germany, thoughts generally drift to the northern cycling city of Bremen with a modal share of almost 30%. Munich however is fas...

29 Nov, 2011

Credit: European Parliament Stricter CO2 emission targets, more cycling: The Transport & Tourism Committee (TRAN) of the European Parliament has strengthe...

24 Nov, 2011

Photo: BBC A BBC article has reported that "a man has painted a 30mph sign the height of a double decker bus on the side of his house in a Devon village". Tha...

23 Nov, 2011

ECF has been talking a lot recently about transporting goods by bicycle.  This is not about couriers on fixies tackling the streets to deliver packages. Instea...

22 Nov, 2011

Photo Credit: Sexify South Korea in the past decade has been referred to as one the “Asian Tigers” for its spectacular economic growth. After a devastating ci...

18 Nov, 2011

After months of planning, – the website for professionals working on the EuroVelo routes – has gone live as of Tuesday 15th November.  The website...

16 Nov, 2011

Photo Credit: Amsterdamize There is still little awareness of the multiple ways in which modern-day urban life constricts a child’s mobility and opportunities...

16 Nov, 2011

Credit: Belgium Cycle Chic Bike to Work in Belgium has welcomed its 15 000th registered cyclist. All these cyclists can save their Belgian employers a lot of...

14 Nov, 2011
