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Political Members


Georges Bach, MEP, Luxembourg

“I will continue to work for better urban mobility and support initiatives that promote more cycling

Pays groupeMichael Cramer, MEP, Germany


“The cycling sector has proven abilities. Now is the time for Europe to show leadership and take its development to the next level. Cycling can rise to the many challenges that Europe faces during this Parliament’s term and beyond”

FIAnneli Jäätteenmäki, MEP, Finland


“Cycling is democratic. Have you ever heard about a cycling dictator?” 

HUIstván Ujhelyi, MEP, Hungary


 Mr Ujhelyi is a co-chair of Cycling Forum Europe. As a Vice-Chair of the Committee on Transport and Tourism, no doubt he will have the opportunity to promote cycling within the European Parliament.



Pays groupe Mr. Echenique-Robba is an early member of  Cycling Forum Europe (since September 2014).

 He supports ECF objectives and promotes  cycling, in particular in the Committee on  Industry, Research and Energy of which he is a  member.


IE Brian Hayes, MEP, Ireland

 “A few years ago a greenway was developed on  the West coast of Ireland, and it has helped  completely revitalize rural communities through  the development of the bike tourism industry.  Ireland is a country that has a lot to benefit from  cycling”

SI Igor Šoltes, MEP, Slovenia


 “Cycling is a real opportunity for the  regeneration of the current European economic  situation. Cycling can be a connector between  several areas; from agriculture to transport,  industry, health sector and infrastructure sector.  I think that Mr Juncker could find very good  ideas on how to spend the 300 billion euros package in the cycling agenda.” 

I.Stefanec Ivan Štefanec, MEP, Slovakia


 “I cycled from Bratislava to Brussels. It took me  nine days. I must tell you, Europe is much nicer  from a bike than from a car!”  



IT Dario Tamburrano, MEP, Italy


 “We are running out of time to protect Europe’s  climate and to improve its energy and transport  systems resilience. I will support any initiative  that will help cycling spread in Europe”



Claudia Țapardel, MEP, Romania

“Cycling will help to make our cities more livable, healthier and less congested”


Civil society and corporate members

  • European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF)




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