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NowWeBike #Journey of Hope


18 Aug to 17 Sep, 2016, 16:45 - 16:45

The pan-European cycling tour is back. For the second year, ECF and ISCA together with the support of the European Commission's Erasmus+ program, are proud to present the NowWeBike tour 2016, #Journey of Hope. 

Join the tour by biking with the main tour group, border to border, city to city.The tour will start of in Copenhagen, Denmark, on the 18th of August and will go through Europe. We will also be at the opening of the European Week of Sports in Kosice, Slovakia 10th of September. The tour will eventually end up in its final destination, Vienna, Austria on the 17th of September. The whole tour will be over 2500 km of cycling. For the full route and more information please see link below.


Contact Us

Avenue des Arts, 7-8
Postal address: Rue de la Charité, 22 
1210 Brussels, Belgium

Phone: +32 2 329 03 80