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EU Project Funding - 1st December 2016


01 Dec, 2016 11:00 - 12:00
There are many opportunities out there to use EU funds to invest in cycling projects but it is not always easy to know where to look and how to get them. The complicated application processes can often be off-putting if you do not work regularly with such funds.

Therefore, we have put together two webinars to help you find the right calls, bring together new partnerships and write successful proposals. In these interactive sessions we will present you with successful case studies of previous cycling projects and offer practical advice. 

Join us and learn from the ECF experts!
Join this webinar if:

  • You want a guided tour through the variety of European Funding Programmes that support cycling projects.
  • Your organisation wants to become involved in a European Project partnership or want to initiate its own European cycling project.
  • You want to find out how to write a successful project application.


 EU Project Funding - 1st December 2016

 Jesus Freire & Carolien Ruebens




The registration will be open until the 30th of November and the webinars will be held on the WebEx platform.


Contact Us

Avenue des Arts, 7-8
Postal address: Rue de la Charité, 22 
1210 Brussels, Belgium

Phone: +32 2 329 03 80