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Ecocity Forum Lahti


01 to 02 Nov, 2021, 09:15 - 17:15

Dramatic changes in consumption patterns and dominant lifestyles are required to address the climate emergency successfully. We can no longer wait to act. Governments and businesses must provide infrastructure, products, and services that enable citizens to live more sustainably. These changes need to happen now because household carbon footprints must drop far below half within just one decade to keep global warming within 1.5 degrees.

Ecocity Forum Lahti 2021 is gathering makers, users, and promoters of digital tools, which can accelerate the transition to 1.5-degree cities and citizens.


  • Apps, digital tools and information systems to accelerate 1.5-degree cities and citizens
  • The world’s first personal carbon trading program demonstrated
  • Carefully curated regional and international speakers and panels
  • Interactive and participatory sessions and workshops
  • Green delegate package
  • Virtual delegate package
  • Field trips, networking, social events

Read more here


Contact Us

Avenue des Arts, 7-8
Postal address: Rue de la Charité, 22 
1210 Brussels, Belgium

Phone: +32 2 329 03 80