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Picture: Caspar Diederik/

Thanks to the continuous work of FIAB, ECF member, Italy breaks one milestone after another in putting cycling high on the political agenda. After the prop...

20 Jan, 2017

The first bicycle parade of the year in Moscow organized by Let's bike it and the Transport Department of Moscow, was held despite the freezing temper...

11 Jan, 2017

Great success for Finnish bicycle advocacy, backed up by the Leadership Programme: Finland’s new Energy and Climate Strategy includes an official national...

08 Dec, 2016

Breakthrough for "Radlobby", the Austrian member of ECF, and their campaign "Abstand macht sicher" (Distance for safety): "Radlobby" won a one-year court fight...

07 Oct, 2016

As a premiere for Bucharest, the Romanian member of ECF "Green Revolution Association", together with Raiffeisen Bank and Kaufland România, announced the l...

27 Sep, 2016

Thanks to "A Contramano", a Spanish member organization of ECF, the Seville City Center was declared as a 30km/h area creating the largest low-speed traffic are...

22 Sep, 2016

For a successful advocacy campaign on a local level, it’s important to involve citizens and the cycling community to broaden your impact and make your voic...

12 Sep, 2016

Latest news from the ECF. Read about the cycle highways, Smarter Cycling Series,Velo-city 2017 call for abstracts, #Journey of hope, Bike2Work, shopping by bike and much...

22 Aug, 2016

The Ukrainian ECF member AVK - KYIV CYCLISTS' ASSOCIATION hosts the 8th Annual International Cycling Conference "VELOFORUM 2016" in Ukraine, Khar...

11 Aug, 2016
