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Membership of PEBSS is open to companies, bicycle share organisations, and those public authorities operating their own bicycle share mobility systems. Essentially, any formal organisation with an interest in, if not actual activity of, promoting shared bicycle mobility in all its forms, as a daily means of transportation and recreation.

As PEBSS is a working forum to exchange best practices and knowledge, all relevant stakeholders are welcome to join and participate towards creating a better, more robust eco-system of shared bicycle mobility. There are three main ways you can join PEBSS, depending on the nature of your organisation:

  • if you represent a private company you will need to join the Cycling Industry Club;
  • if you represent an advocacy organisation you will need to join the ECF;
  • if you represent a public authoritity you will need to join the Cities for Cyclists network.

You are a private company

Bike sharing and leasing operators, software and hardware service providers, data collecting and analysing companies, bicycle and OEM suppliers, etc.: all kind of commercial organisations operating in the shared bicycle mobility (and related) sector in Europe are welcome to support the PEBSS activities. Businesses make an annual financial contribution to ECF’s advocacy in the range €1000-€100,000 depending on their cycling-related turnover in Europe.

Larger payments can be phased by arrangement. Find here all information concerning Membership payments.

To become a member, please contact Paul Stratta, Smarter Cycling Project Director.

You are an advocacy organisation

Benefits of ECF membership

  • Common European and global advocacy
  • Be part of an unique network and learn from the exchange of good practice with our other members
  • Receive discount tickets to the annual Velo-city conference
  • Get access to ECF internal mailing lists, enabling you to communicate directly with the other ECF members
  • Receive a copy of every new publication


How much does it cost to become a Member?

There are costs involved with becoming both an associated and full member of ECF. Please download our Membership Information Brochure for more information.

Read the ECF membership information brochure.

Membership procedure

ECF has two categories of membership:

  • ECF Full membership is open to groups of cycle users;
  • ECF Associate membership is open to cycling groups who do not meet the criteria for full membership but who support the aims of the ECF.


Applications for new members should be sent by post or by electronic mail to the ECF Office. Decisions of acceptance are made by the ECF Board which convenes four times a year.

After the ECF Board acceptance the new membership is subject to ratification at the next Annual General Meeting of ECF Members. 

Interested in becoming an ECF Member? 

Fill in the ECF membership application form and send it to ECF Outreach Officer, Elina Baltatzi

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

You are a public representative

Local and regional authorities all over the world can become a Cities for Cyclists member. If you want to become a member please contact ECF office for more information. 


European Cyclists’ Federation asbl
Rue Franklin 28, B-1000 Brussels
Phone: +32 2 880 92 74
Email : 


The contribution is based on the number of inhabitants (m = millions). For further details please consult the application form.

Annual Contribution 1000e 1500e 2000e 3000e 4000e 5000e 6000e 7000e
Velo-city Tickets 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2

The activities of the network will be expanded as more cities join. Besides this, ECF office running “Cities for Cyclists” will also work as an information centre where member cities can ask for help in finding solutions to specific problems. The ECF office will also act as a network hub insofar as members seeking help can also get in contact with other members that may be working in the same area. The contribution from members help to cover this part of the activity, but if a specific service is required then the ECF office can provide further assistance on a fee basis.

Membership benefits

  • Share the best practices between network member cities;
  • Participate in Velo-city conferenceAs of 2011, network members receive free ticket(s) for the conference. The Velo-city conference series, managed by ECF, is the largest cycling planning conference in the world and provides the best platform for cycling experts, urban planners, bicycle officers, decision-makers, NGOs and researchers to discuss the potential and challenges of cycling;
  • Receive “Cities for Cyclists” newsletter containing updated information on cycling policies at the European level, as well as announcements of important dates and deadlines for conferences relevant to the promotion of cycling. The newsletter will be published six times every year;
  • Take advantage of ECF advocacy at the European and the global levels with common benefits for municipalities and regions;
  • Stay informed about potential partnership opportunities in EU-funded cycling projects;
  • Receive factsheets about cycling policy, infrastructure, campaigning, etc.