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Interview to Christophe Najdovski, ECF President and Deputy Mayor of Paris for Transportation, Mobility, Roadway and Public Space. Christophe is a born and bred...

10 Sep, 2018

Biciclistas de Corella (Spain), Green Schools/ - the Irish Cycling Advocacy Network, and Frie Fugle (Denmark) have collaborated with a youth associati...

07 Sep, 2018

Our planet faces numerous climate changes and the negative effects on the environment are key to the universal sustainable agenda. 2015 was a key year for multi...

27 Jun, 2018

The European Commission has, following an ECJ decision, decided to allow classification of all Electric Power Assisted Bicycles (EPAC/Pedelec) as a “motor vehic...

06 Jun, 2018
Muiderfietsbrug near Amsterdam, North Sea-Baltic TEN-T core corridor

One of the key elements of the 3rd Mobility Package launched by the European Commission on May 17th is a proposal for amending the Road Infrastructure Safe...

04 Jun, 2018

ECF attended the ITF 2018 conference in Leipzig last week. Many big names in the transport sector including Bernhard Ensink from ECF attended and this year ther...

01 Jun, 2018
Source: ITF

Ministers from around the world published the Ministerial Declaration on Transport Safety and Security today at the International Transport Forum (ITF) in Leipz...

01 Jun, 2018

At the Annual General Meeting in Milan, ECF’s members were joined by many former colleagues on the ECF Board to celebrate Manfred Neun’s remarkable 12 years of...

22 May, 2018

The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) is pleased to announce that it has selected Belgian Limburg to host the fourth edition of the EuroVelo and Cycle Tourism...

09 May, 2018

The forthcoming Austrian EU Presidency received a letter from ECF’s Secretary General, Dr Bernhard Ensink, calling upon Austria to push forward a whole ser...

04 May, 2018

A host of cities and other organisations including ECF has signed a letter calling for the European Commission to regulate the elimination of direct vision blin...

03 May, 2018

ECF’s new elected board just got to work at a productive first meeting in Brussels on 13 October! Each new member brings valuable experience and expertise to th...

03 Nov, 2017
