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The prominent researchers Buehler & Pucher found that far fewer people have died walking and cycling over the years since the early 90s. Reviewing data...

17 Feb, 2017

For this article we thank Ms. Anne Madden from CHIPS project partner - Sustrans.   CHIPS Partners Sustrans and Translink (Northern Ireland's integrate...

16 Feb, 2017

Key European experts in cycling and related fields have gathered in Brussels on the 14th of February, 2017 to continue the discussion on a EU Cycling Strat...

14 Feb, 2017
Picture from flickr, by Juan Pablo Mejía

Its alphabet soup time. ECF has been continuing its fruitful work together with the World Health Organisation (WHO) for the promotion of cycling. A lot of it is...

06 Feb, 2017

On the 30th of January 2017, Shimano Europe opened its new headquarters in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. This multinational producer of cycling components is one...

03 Feb, 2017
Picture from flickr, by Ulrike Rodrigues

The City Council of Bordeaux expressed its strong support for the new Cycling plan 2017-2020. The plan which foresees cycling related spending of 70 million € w...

31 Jan, 2017

A new law amendment in Slovakia makes possible from 1st January 2017 to ride a bicycle with a blood alcohol concentration up to 0.5 per thousand, i.e. 0.24...

30 Jan, 2017

The European Commission makes direct financial contributions in the form of grants in support of projects or organisations which further the interests of the EU...

25 Jan, 2017

The European Commission (EC) has released its long awaited report on safety testing procedures for all new motor vehicles. These are new regulations that could...

23 Jan, 2017
Picture: Caspar Diederik/

Thanks to the continuous work of FIAB, ECF member, Italy breaks one milestone after another in putting cycling high on the political agenda. After the prop...

20 Jan, 2017

During the second week of January, ECF President Manfred Neun was invited to present current Scientist for Cycling (S4C) activities at the Bicycling Committee M...

12 Jan, 2017

The first bicycle parade of the year in Moscow organized by Let's bike it and the Transport Department of Moscow, was held despite the freezing temper...

11 Jan, 2017
