The bid for Velo-city 2026 is now open

17 Apr, 2023
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ECF invites cities from around to world to submit their application to host the world cycling summit, where advocates, cities, decision-makers, researchers and industry leaders meet to shape the future of cycling.

Is your city ready to become the global focus point for cycling promotion? Then it's time to bid for Velo-city 2026! The annual world cycling summit provides a unique opportunity for cities to showcase their commitment to sustainable and active mobility, and to move cycling higher up on the political agenda. With its undeniable positive communication impact, the Velo-city conference helps cities' sustainable mobility efforts achieve national and international visibility. Moreover, hosting an event of this size and impact also represents a significant contribution to the economy of the host city and country.

Through its high-quality conference programme, Velo-city acts as a global knowledge exchange and policy transfer platform. Each year it attracts a growing number of over 350 speakers and more than 1,400 delegates from 60 different countries while the conference exhibition introduces cities and regions to the latest solutions to make their streets ready for more cyclists.

The Board of the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) is, therefore, glad to launch the bidding procedure for the Velo-city 2026 edition.

For the complete bid manual, please contact us at

The submission deadline for the Velo-city 2026 is 30 September 2023.

Benefits of Hosting Velo-city 2026

Hosting Velo-city 2026 is a unique opportunity for cities to showcase their commitment to cycling. The benefits of hosting Velo-city include:

  • Direct Economic Benefits: Hosting Velo-city positively impacts the economy of the host city and country through spillover effects into the hospitality and tourism sectors.
  • Boosting Sustainable City Development: Hosting a Velo-city conference can be integrated into a broader strategy to make the city more bicycle-friendly, greener, and livable. In the past, cities that have hosted the conference have benefited from Velo-city by:
    • Boosting cycling infrastructure developments.
    • Raising the international profile and prestige of their city.
    • Creating fruitful relationships with cycling user groups.
    • Generating substantial publicity for their city and its policies.
    • Receiving feedback on their transport and environmental plans.
    • Hearing about other successful active mobility policies.
    • Involving the elected representatives in the debate on transport issues.
    • Engaging with the public on mobility strategies.

How to apply

All European and non-European cities committed to shaping a better future through more cycling are invited by ECF to bid for Velo-city 2026. To receive the complete bid documentation, please contact us at

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Chiara Sammito's picture
Velo-city Intern

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