EU Committee on Transport and Tourism and the Tourism Task Force

ECF calls for more ambitious and more sustainable EU investment in tourism

13 Jul, 2016
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Brussels 13/07/2016 – We need more and better targeted funding if we want Europe to remain world’s top tourism destination: this was the main message delivered by the European Cyclists’ Federation during a debate of high-level tourism stakeholders at the European Parliament.

The debate was hosted by the EU Committee of Transport and Tourism and Tourism Task Force. During the meeting, chaired by Green MEP Michael Cramer, speakers from the European Commission presented all different EU Funds available for financing tourism projects.  

Establishing baseline: How is the EU investing in tourism now?

Colin Wolfe, Head of Unit from DG REGIO said that the EU budget can release up to 9 billion euro for tourism in the current financial term (2014-2020) topped by 8-9 million euro per year by COSME grants. “These funds can support EU level initiatives” explained Carlo Corazza from DG GROW.

Christina Nunez (NECSTouR) showcased great examples of regions directly influencing and coordinating EU Operational Programmes in order to unlock EU subsidies for tourism.

Project tourism: More and better targeted funding

Adam Bodor, ECF’ Director of Advocacy and EuroVelo highlighted four main messages as key factors to release the full potential of European funding: amount, results, scale and sustainability of subsidised projects.

“Tourism needs an adequate amount of dedicated funding” said Adam Bodor. “Few million euros every year on the European level is just not adequate to keep market share of Europe on the global market and to support European level initiatives. The 9 billion Euro regional and cohesion funds for national, regional and local tourism related developments should be dedicated for tourism and clearly visible”. 

Bodor called for a redistribution of funding by highlighting that while the total GDP share that tourism produces in EU is close to 10%, only little goes to funding and investment.

Cycling tourism: One of Europe’s most promising markets

While 7, 5% of EU trips are made by bike, only 1,6% of funding goes to cycling-related investment. This is 1,5 more times compared to former periods thanks to ECF members. However, it is clearly not enough.

A European tourism funding observatory, similar to the European Observatory for Cycling Funds tool of the ECF, could provide concrete help in tracking down opportunities for using EU funds in tourism-related projects around Europe.

“The measure of success should be results reached not money spent”, mentioned Bodor and called for less paperwork and more value for money.

Finally, Bodor stressed out the importance of sustainability of these projects. “Don’t invest in short term projects only, but create long- term partnerships and support long –term initiatives”, said Bodor, providing as an example the long lasting success of some ECF’s projects such as EuroVelo.

The full presentation can be found here



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