New publication brings together cycling research and practice

20 Dec, 2018
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How can we help families to cycle more often? Why do some cylists prefer cycle paths and others cycle lanes? What are the road safety implications of electric cycling? You can find answers from both researchers and practitioners to these and many more questions in the new publication "Framing the Third Cycling Century", edited by the German Environment Agency and the European Cyclists' Federation.

There is a tension between research and practice in the field of cycling as well as in general in environmental policy. Numerous scientific publications and knowledge do not reach the practitioners who might benefit from them. The International Cycling Conference 2017 in Mannheim, with ECF's network Scientists for Cycling as one of the co-organisers, tackled this deficit with a large-scale forum. "Framing the Third Cycling Century" takes up and continues the discussion started there. The innovative concept of the triad, consisting of scientists, practitioners and experts, produces new perspectives. The authors come from all over the world, forming together an international mosaic that incorporates their particular perceptions and experiences.

You can download the publication on the website of the German Environment Agency.

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Holger Haubold's picture
Director - Intellectual Property & Data Collection

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