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New studies, new plan: Brussels aims even higher after cycling grows by 20% and road fatalities decrease

One year after the implementation of the 30 km/h speed limit across the city of Brussels, various positive reports have shown a 50% reduction in road fatalities...New studies into cycling traffic and road safety in the Brussels-Capital Region provide remarkable insights two years into the cycling boom, while the city launches new p...

21 Feb, 2022
No energy-efficient buildings without adequate bicycle parking and e-bike charging infrastructure

On 14 July, the European Commission published its immense “Fit for 55” package with several new legislative proposals destined to help achieve the political tar...The transport and building sectors are both crucial for the EU’s 2030 goal of cutting emissions by 55%. A new ECF position paper outlines how to include bicycle parking a...

20 Jul, 2021
Tejvan Pettinger (CC by 2.0)

Author: Maya WatsonA new study reveals that a modal shift to cycling from car trips could dramatically reduce mobility-related lifecycle emissions.  More...

03 Aug, 2020

The Bike2Work project got half a million people out of their cars and convinced them to shift their daily habits in favor of a more sustainable and healthier co...

22 Feb, 2017

A detailed report on non-motorized transport (NMT) which includes walking and cycling was released in September 2016 by UNEP (United Nations Environment Program...

28 Oct, 2016