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On Wednesday, 24 October, the Government of Navarre has joined to ECF’s network Cities & Regions for Cyclists, confirming its interest in promoting cyc...

31 Oct, 2018

With its 4th Call for Proposals, the Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) is inviting urban authorities to develop and submit proposals, which address urban chal...

30 Oct, 2018

The European Cyclists’ Federation’s “Future Cycling” Conference was a highlight of the Brussels’ Week of Cities and Regions, and brought together high profile p...

18 Oct, 2018

At a high-profile stakeholder event in Brussels last week the new European Innovation project “City Changer Cargo Bike” was announced to an audience of EU insti...

18 Oct, 2018
Picture: Christophe Nadjovski - ECF President (right) and Tony Grimaldi - Founding President of CIE (left)

Delegates at the “Future Cycling” Conference in Brussels yesterday heard that there are multi-billion Euro investments available from the EU for regional investment and i...

16 Oct, 2018