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On 14 December 2021, the European Commission is due to publish its proposed update on the regulatory guidelines for its flagship transport initiative, the...ECF demands for cycling to be included in the flagship EU transport initiative ahead of the publication of the European Commission’s proposal for updated regulation guide...

19 Oct, 2021
Cyclists love trains: How bike-friendly are Europe’s rail companies?

How bike friendly are Europe’s rail companies? As part of the European Year of Rail, the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) has published an ambitious report a...ECF’s latest publication, “Cyclists love trains,” sets a benchmark for intermodal travel on Europe’s railways. The report ranks the bicycle friendliness of 69 European ra...

09 Jul, 2021

On 11 February 2021, the Irish National Transport Authority (NTA) announced it will be investing €240 million in cycling and walking infrastructure this year, a...Ireland has doubled down on its commitment to more cycling, dedicating €240 million towards cycling and walking infrastructure in 2021. The announcement follows well...

03 Mar, 2021