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The CHIPS project (Cycle Highways Innovation for smarter People transport and Spatial planning) financed by Interreg North-West Europe has been 3 year...

27 Jun, 2019

The CHIPS (Cycle Highways Innovation for smarter People Transport and Spatial Planning) final conference summarised 3 years of knowledge sharing and research be...

27 May, 2019

The most visible upgrades on the section of the cycle highway F1 between Mechelen and Vilvoorde in Belgium is the new asphalt surfacing on the towpath along Zen...

21 Mar, 2019
Cycling Underwater Mini Series – Kennedy Tunnel in Antwerp

Underwater tunnels are not typical cycling facilities. But in a few cases, such tunnels provide an important cycling connection. We start a new mini-series with...

08 Mar, 2019

The planned F15 cycle highway in the Netherlands shows that the costs of cycling infrastructure can be reduced as much as three times by integrating it in the d...

06 Mar, 2019