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This report is a “snapshot” of the comparison between countries in the 2015 which ECF is releasing to inform the ECF Cycling Industry Club’s “Advocacy...

29 Aug, 2016

The Ukrainian ECF member AVK - KYIV CYCLISTS' ASSOCIATION hosts the 8th Annual International Cycling Conference "VELOFORUM 2016" in Ukraine, Khar...

11 Aug, 2016
CoR EU Roadmap for cycling

Brussels, 05/07/2016. By including support for a sustainable travel hierarchy and a doubling of cycling across the EU-28 over the next 10 years, the Commit...

06 Jul, 2016
Cycling Forum Europe CYFO EU Cycling Strategy meeting

BRUXELLES, 23/06/2016 - People cycling are early risers. Chaired by MEP Michael Cramer and MEP Istvan Ujhelyi, 40 people with diverse backgrounds gathered...

23 Jun, 2016
