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Muiderfietsbrug next to A1 motorway near Amsterdam.

ECF welcomes the European Commission initiative to improve the EU regulatory framework for road infrastructure safety management, especially actions targeted to...

12 Sep, 2017
Cycle highway RijnWaalpad connecting Arnhem and Nijmegen

CHIPS project partner, the Dutch province of Gelderland can be an example on how to minimise the number of stops and interruptions on a cycle highway. Cycling 1...

18 Jul, 2017

NICE, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, through its most recent publication for guidance on ‘Air Pollution: Outdoor Air Quality and Health’...

14 Jul, 2017

A coalition of industry, NGOs, consumer groups, and cities are calling on the European Commission to urgently bring forward new minimum safety standards for new...

24 May, 2017

    The week of March 8th to 14th all around the world, communities organised events around the theme for UN Global Road Safety Week -  ‘Save Li...

12 May, 2017
Over 600 bicycle users joined the FPCUB bicycle protest held on January 8th of this year, in Lisbon (photograph: BCPereira)

Portugal’s controversial 2020 National Road Safety Strategy program (PENSE2020) has dropped studying mandatory helmet laws for cyclists, after strong public opp...

27 Apr, 2017
Picture: Marc van Woudenberg

Bernhard Ensink, ECF Secretary General, spoke at a Hi-level transport ministers meeting In Malta on Wednesday 29th March, here’s the press release. It followed...

31 Mar, 2017

European Transport Ministers launched the “Valetta Declaration on Improving Road Safety” at a Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Valletta (Malta) today un...

29 Mar, 2017

As part of our work to help cycling and the bike industry into the world of smart, connected and shared mobility we are working with visionaries and leaders who...

08 Mar, 2017

This week The European Commission announced at the Motor Vehicle Working Group that it is delaying the proposal on Vehicle Safety Regulations until at least Mar...

03 Mar, 2017
Photo by the Centre for Environment (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Bosnian cyclists have managed to repeal their cumbersome and unfair law on the mandatory use of bicycle helmets. ECF members the Centre for Environment have bee...

02 Mar, 2017

The prominent researchers Buehler & Pucher found that far fewer people have died walking and cycling over the years since the early 90s. Reviewing data...

17 Feb, 2017
