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“Achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 through a socially-fair transition in a cost-efficient manner” – This is the key sentence in the European L...

28 Nov, 2018

For over twenty years the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) has been a cornerstone of EU transport policy. It should come as no surprise therefore that E...

26 Nov, 2018

Our planet faces numerous climate changes and the negative effects on the environment are key to the universal sustainable agenda. 2015 was a key year for multi...

27 Jun, 2018

Here’s a quick round up of items cycling around in the ECF health arena. The EU seeks your input on how to make cities healthier places to live with more walkin...

19 Feb, 2018

On January 22nd ECF attended an executive symposium on road safety at the European University Institute in Florence[1]. The symposium was organised jointly by t...

23 Jan, 2018