Germans Want to Buy More Bicycles: And They're Willing to Spend Big....

07 Dec, 2011
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Bicycles in Leipzig, Germany

 A German Study has found that “29 percent of Germans are planning to buy a new bicycle in the next twelve months”.  We’re not talking about cheap nasty bicycles either: they’re willing to spend on average 620 € per head.  An earlier edition of the study in 2009 found that only 13 percent of Germans considered new purchase a bicycle at an average price of 570 €. 

Electric Dreams
Pedelec prospects also look encouraging: 24 percent of  people planning to buy a new bike want a Pedelec. For people over 60, the proportion balloons to 54 percent. ADFC’s Deputy National Chairman Sabine Kluth was keen to highlight that "the survey confirms bicycle industry figures that show the boom of the pedelecs. It’s now to respond with policy measures and create bike paths”

Indeed, the time has come. As the past century saw an explosion in vehicle infrastructure, the next century will have to accommodate for an increased demand in cycling.

The study also noted that:

  • 41% of Germans cycle at least once a week,  
  • 15% cycle on a daily basis
  •  32% of Germans want to use their bicycle often.

About the Study:
The study was entitled "Bicycle Monitor Germany 2011", conducted by the SINUS Institute on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS) in collaboration with the ADFC (German Bicycle Club). It involved 2000 citizens being asked their opinion about cycling in Germany.  

About the Author


 Julian Ferguson is the Communications Officer for the European Cyclists’ Federation. Originally hailing from Australia and a keen bicycle advocate, he plans one day to ride his bicycle from Brussels to Melbourne.


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