Parlons Vélo by FUB: French Presidential Candidates review their cycling policies

21 Apr, 2017
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On April 13, ECF member FUB launched Parlons Vélo; a site dedicated to the role of the bike in the presidential campaigns for the 2017 French elections. In one week, 7 of 11 candidates responded to the call launched by FUB and its 16 partners.

Since the first national pro-bike campaign raised more than 5,000 supporters, it is becoming readily apparent that cycling as a transport mode, is gradually moving from being a marginalized ecologists' idea, to an element of response for serious problems in urban society. FUB calls to attention three arguments from the candidates’ campaigns:

  1. Health first: One of the major public health challenges today is reducing inactive lifestyle, chronic diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obesity) and premature death. Regular cycling (for commuting) precisely responds to the recommendations of WHO on the prevention of the aforementioned risks.
  2. Social equilibrium: In addition to considerable savings for the health insurance budget, cycling reduces the cost of transporting for households, revitalizes local shops in the boroughs and medium-sized cities, and strengthens social bonds undermined by the immoderate use of the car.
  3. The economy: Cycling is an exceptional way to develop quality tourism throughout the country, respectful of sites and landscapes, highly appreciated by foreign visitors, with a rapid return on investment.


With 30% of French people declaring ready to go on the bike immediately, the potential is enormous. If only 10% of the trips were made by bicycle, the cumulative savings would amount to more than 50 billion euros per year. At present, only 2% of journeys to and from work are made by bicycle. The margin for improvement is large, and it is now in the hands of those who aspire to the highest responsibilities of the State, to guide the country's policy.

Read the full press release by FUB here.


FUB is a member of the Leadership Programme. Thanks to the Programme's support, FUB is empowering its local advocacy groups, giving them leverage to advocate for result-oriented cycling policies. New ties are being developed with the national cycling industry and cycling entrepreneurs, thus giving cycling a new importance during this year's national elections


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Froso Christofides's picture
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