Flickr/Jurg Vollmer

New Pro E-Bike tool shows how much you can save by replacing a van

10 Jul, 2015
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An easy-to-use Pro E-Bike simulation tool in 8 languages facilitates the process of demonstrating that eBikes and eScooters are a viable option for companies. This tool, which is capable of simulating an endless variety of scenarios, allows users to save both time and effort. By directly comparing motor vehicles with e-bikes and showing just how much you can save by replacing motor vehicles with eBikes, this new tool will play a central role in boosting the adoption of e-bikes throughout Europe.

The newly developed Pro-E-Bike Simulation Tool allows users to simulate the replacement of motor vehicles with eBikes. The tool directly compares motor vehicles (from scooters to heavy goods vehicles) with eBikes and thus enables users to analyse the potential benefits, in terms of costs and emissions, that can result from the introduction of eBikes in their business. The tool allows a comparison in terms of costs and CO2 emissions, with the possibility of editing the default values (such as acquisition, maintenance or insurance) and adapting it to each country's reality. Total costs, including fixed and variable running costs like fuel and insurance, are taken into account, enabling users to perform a concrete cost-benefit analysis to see just how much they could gain from adopting eBikes as a means of transport.

According to Lara Moura, Project Manager at OCCAM (the organization that developed the Pro E-Bike simulation tool) since the tool was launched, “the downloads and visits to the project website are increasing. We expect that the dissemination activities each partner is conducting can contribute to a wider spread and usage of these vehicles”. The tool was successfully showcased at the Velo-City conference in Nantes, France in July 2015. “So far the feedback has been positive, with the users telling us how interesting the tool is to their activities, namely the comparative analysis of the introduction of eBikes within their fleet”, says Moura.

The tool owes much of its success to its flexibility. As ECF’s Pro E-Bike Project Manager Dr. Randy Rzewnicki points out, the tool allows users to “play with and create as many scenarios as they like. What if fuel price goes up? Or down?” Not only that:

It can be used by almost anybody for almost any bike situation; from cargo bike with or without electric support to any kind of bike

Rzewnicki also underlines that user privacy is not an issue – the company gives up nothing. The data used in the calculations remains in house, with the user. Another key selling point is the tool’s adaptability for use throughout the EU. As Moura explains, “we gave huge attention to the specifics of each European country, namely in providing adequate data, based on the partners' experiences within the Pro-E-Bike pilots. We can see that the reality considering the usage and market of eBikes differs greatly from country to country, so this option allows a more precise final result.” The English version of the tool has been available since June, and in July an additional 7 language versions of it were launched. It is available for download on the project website in English, Spanish, Croatian, Italian, Dutch, Slovenian, Portuguese, and Swedish.


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