Cyclist´s gather against planned closure of major public spaces in Prague

10 Oct, 2017
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Over 200 cyclists gathered on October 4th in the center of Prague to protest against the planned closure of four major public spaces in Prague's 1 city district. These spaces are essential for the Prague cycle route network. The online petition against restrictions for cycling in Prague was already signed by 2500 people.

The already complicated conditions for cyclsists in historic Prague will become worse. For a decade Prague was an example for other Czech cities like Brno where cycling in ped zone, was allowed based on Prague´s example.

To chase away cyclists from the City center is an unfortunate solution,  modern cities are trying to attract cyclists and provide safe infrastructure for them rather than ban them. Cyclists could have continued cycling in Prague pedestrian zones in designated corridors like in Den Haag or with speed limit. To drastically restrict cyclists from moving in Prague city center is a sign of disinterest in searching for a feasible solution“ says Vratislav Fller from Auto-Mat.

Planned closedzones for cycling in Prague 1  

Source: Auto-Mat





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