Bike2Work: Making cycling a -great- routine!

19 Aug, 2016
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Bike2Work is an EU co-funded project lead by the European Cyclists' Federation. Find out below why it's a success, who is involved and how you can join up!

What is Bike2Work and how does it achieve its aims?

The main objective of Bike2Work is to encourage a significant modal shift from motorized commuting to cycling. Using a two-fold approach it targets both employees’ behavior through Bike2Work campaigns, and encourages employers to meet the needs of cyclists. The result is bicycle-friendly employers and employees’ using a more sustainable form of commuting: cycling! 

Find out who's involved in the Bike2Work project and why a Pan-European approach is the best!

Bike2Work has 12 partners from across Europe all with different experiences in bike-to-work campaigning. This Pan-European approach offers great opportunities for know-how transfer and the combining of successful campaign elements from different campaigns. Bike2Work celebrates this diversity and the knowledge-exchange it encourages because it leads to more efficient and more successful campaigns.

Get involved!

If you are a commuters association, trade organization, government administration or other such organization interested in developing your own campaign here are some guidelines and tips how to get started:

All the information you need to run a successful b2w campaign can be found on

Getting started is easy:

  1. Check out the 22 existing campaigns in 22 different countries. It gives a good overview how a Bike2Work campaign looks like and what makes it successful.
  2. Read through our comprehensive resources, especially the implementation plan, if you are serious about launching your own Bike2Work campaign.
  3. Any more questions? Please don’t hesitate to contact us!


Why get involved?

  • Bike2Work campaigns have great success in boosting long - term cycling commuter numbers. As a result, they achieve extensive energy savings and CO2 reductions: for example, during the project ~ 8,870 tonnes of fuel and ~ 52,299 tonnes CO2 will be saved.
  • On personal level, there are many benefits such as improved health, fitness, weight loss and transport costs savings.
  • Companies get business advantages that include cost savings on infrastructural investments and reduced sick leave of employees. 
  • A Bike2Work campaign usually is a good way to get good media coverage.
  • For cycling organisations, Bike2Work campaigns give you the opportunity to gather funding. Depending on the scope, a campaign can last for a whole year and needs dedicated staff to be maintained. You can either try to apply for National and European funding or get companies to sponsor money or prizes for cyclists to widen the impact.
  • Get more people to cycle more often!


What makes a Bike2Work campaign successful?

  • Easy and free web-registration.
  • Sponsorship for prizes.
  • Strong support from local and national sponsors.
  • The possibility to participate in the campaign without the companies approval.
  • Additional events like picnics, bike parade, free repair of bicycles, kick-off even.
  • Good media coverage.


You are a company and want to become a cycle-friendly employer?

Many employers all over Europe have already been active in promoting cycling as a way of commuting to work among their employees. Discover what kind of schemes or campaigns they launched, and how they managed to make cycling to work economically attractive, including the cookbook of the perfect cycle-friendly employer and best practices and useful activities from different countries, here.

You are working for a public authority and want to encourage cycling?

Several programmes are actually in place in European countries. Public authorities can implement many and different schemes to promote cycling and discourage private or company car usage. Here you will find best practices, ideas and recommendations for the improvement of the current situation in your local or national area, including mileage allowance, buying schemes and fiscal incentives

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Postal address: Rue de la Charité, 22 
1210 Brussels, Belgium

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